So the scientists over at the Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics at the German Aerospace Center developed an actual Terminator hand. The robotic hand looks similar, is durable, and just as strong as the T-800 terminator robots that were portrayed in the famous Terminator movies.
It's about the size of a human hand with fully functional 'web tendons' which gives it the ability to control the stiffness. Scientists have tested it's strength by giving it a 66 G impact blow- in which the robo hand survived.
They've dropped a whopping $135,000 developing this super robo hand. What do they intend on using it for?
For the apocalypse between man and machine of course.
No really though, what the hell do they plan on using it for? $135,000 isn't exactly chump change..unless..they plan on dropping a bit more to create an actual Terminator. Looks like we could possibly have a Cyberdyne-Skynet situation on our hands!
Who says it only happens in the movies?
Here's a vid of it in action: