Elite Name: Elite_Shadow_M
Alternate Aliases: YowsahsItsMeesh (main PSN id)
Nicknames: Meesh..Whatserface..The Greater Good..Hey You, Make Me A Sammich.. >_>
How I Got Into Glitching:
Became bored with bowling, scored my 300, waltzed outside to find people in places that were odd to be in. I hit up Club Fight Night and asked the famous n00b question, "HOW?!"
First Home Glitch:
My first glitch was the bar at Fight Night. This was where we still had our 'gravity' to do glitches by running up and down the stairs, catching the lift at the top of the stair case, then popping up onto the wall barrier, across the velvet rope, slamming yourself up against the wall, followed by convulsive wiggling across the wall, and onto the bar!
Favorite Glitch:
I have 2 faves: Red Bull Air Race & the roof at FarCry. Those were the hot hang out spots for the longest time!
What I Enjoy About Glitching:
I mostly enjoy meeting all the different people who enjoy glitching, teaching glitches, and just hanging out while glitching. I've met the majority of the people on my friend list, even some who aren't on my list, through glitching. When glitching was at its prime, glitchers came in huge groups- hanging out on, under, in places others normally couldn't get to. It was fun to see everyone together, teaching and learning new methods to glitch. Those were the good ol' days.
It's been awhile since I've REALLY glitched anything, so hopefully I'd like to get back into the old Home hobby and get back to hanging with our veteran glitchers, alumni Elite Shadows, current members, and looking forward to meeting future Elites as well!